Truth In Paradox

Can you see the real me? Can ya? Can ya?

Westy Reflector
5 min readJul 11, 2024

A few weeks ago, I attempted to join the Facebook group of a Florida HOA in which I reside. The following exchange ensued:


Westy. Hi David. My name is Frank R — — — — . I am the admin for the [INSERT HOA] Facebook group. Although you are a full resident here, we do not allow the admission of persons unless they use their real names. Sorry


Hi Frank -

Westy Reflector is me, and I am him. You know me, so you also know Westy. What a strange world we’re in, yes? In any event, see you in person around the club, and feel free to call me Westy!

The rebuke almost read like an accusation.

“You’re lying about who you are,” Frank seemed to imply. “Liars have no place in our group.”

My name on Facebook isn’t a lie, of course, anymore than it’s a lie anywhere else I appear on the internet as Westy. Westy is me. My favorite me, you know, if we’re being honest.



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